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Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met March 12

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Village of Diamond Village Board of Commission met March 12

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The scheduled meeting of the Diamond Village Board was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 6:00  p.m. with Mayor Teresa “Terry” Kernc presiding. Upon roll call Commissioners present were Mark Adair, Jeff Kasher, and Dave Warner. Absent: Dean Johnson.  

Approval of 2-27-2024 Minutes 

Meeting Cancelled/no reporting minutes 

Approval of February 27, 2024 and March 12, 2024, Bill Lists 

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to approve the February 27, 2024, and March 12, 2024, bill lists and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approval of the February 2024 Treasurer’s Report 

MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve the February 2024 Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Public Comment 

Mayor Kernc welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Minnick to the meeting. They inquired if a stop sign could be  placed onto Spring Road at the intersection of Laura Lane. They stated, the road is a racetrack with heavy traffic, children on bicycles, people walking dogs, etc. They also have a concern with the median that is located at the entrance to the subdivision. The turn into the subdivision is very narrow. They  have experienced cars driving onto their front lawn even had a car hitting their tree. Mayor Kernc stated installing a stop sign at the intersection, doesn’t necessarily mean traffic will slow down, and people will abide by it. After further discussion, Village Engineer Mike Perry will look at the entrance  to determine if the turn lane is the correct size, if the removal of the median would be necessary as  well as the installation of stop sign. After the investigation and a determination is made, it will be addressed at a future board meeting. 

New Business 

Approval of Ordinance #2024-03; Ordinance Granting Certain Variances form the Zoning Code (Case #PZ-01-2024 NFG Properties LLC-2290 E Division St 

Village Attorney John Gallo stated there were 3 variances which needed to be addressed at the P & Z  Meeting. First, decrease the number of required parking spaces from 40 to 32. Second, commercial  lots require a fence to screen them from the residential behind property, they proposed no fence since  it will be used as an ingress/egress. The third was the requirement for the entire parking lot to be  asphalted. They wanted to asphalt all but the back portion leaving that gravel. The P & Z Committee approved the application for the variations of the Village of Diamond Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Kasher inquired about the front area of the building to be used as parking, and it was  explained that will be used for outside seating etc.-green space. Parking on the side of the building  off the street will be utilized. The plans were distributed for viewing. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve Ordinance #2024-03, Ordinance Granting Certain Variances form the Zoning Code (Case #PZ-01-2024 NFG Properties  LLC-2290 E Division St. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approve Ordinance #2024-04, Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a License Agreement (Diamond Jack’s Redevelopment) 

MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to approve Ordinance #2024-04, Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a License Agreement. (Diamond Jack’s  Redevelopment). All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approve Resolution #2024-02, Participation as Member in the Illinois Emergency  Management Mutual Aid System Response Pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Establishment of a Mutual Aid and IGA Service Agreement 

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated this is for mutual aid and a Will County agreement must  be completed since Diamond is in two counties-Will and Grundy County. MOTION was made by  Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Resolution #2024-02, Participation as Member in the Illinois Emergency Management Mutual Aid System Response Pursuant to an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Establishment of a Mutual Aid and IGA Service Agreement. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approve Resolution #2024-03, Approving Expenditure of Diamond I-55 Corridor Increment  Financing District Funds for the Construction of a Right Turn Lane on IL Route 113 and Enclosure on the Will Road Parkway for Jewel/Osco Shopping Center Mayor Kernc stated the anticipated cost to complete is $80,000-$90,000 for the mandatory right turn lane required by IDOT. We currently do not have the cost estimate for the enclosure. Village Engineer Mike Perry stated he should have the cost estimate to present at the next meeting. Kernc stated the TIF funds will be utilized for the cost of the right turn lane and enclosure. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Adair to Approve Resolution #2024-03, Approving Expenditure of Diamond I-55 Corridor Increment Financing District Funds for the  Construction of a Right Turn Lane on IL Route 113 and Enclosure on the Will Road Parkway for Jewel/Osco Shopping Center. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approve Letter of Support from Cenergy Power 

Mayor Kernc stated this support letter is for the 25 acres of which 5 acres are to be donated to the  village for municipal northside storm water detention. Cenergy will be leasing the 20 acres for a solar farm. Cenergy is asking for a letter of support from the village to be able to submit for a grant for this project. Previously, the board was not unanimously supporting this but by majority, had given Kernc approval to move forward with this. Kernc is now presenting to the board to move forward with the letter of support. Commissioner Kasher stated as previously, he opposes this because of the detention pond aspect of it. Kasher does not have a problem with the installation of storm sewer lines. However, he stated money would be well spent to dredge the Claypool drainage ditch which has not been done in over 30 years, rather than digging a 5-acre pond. Commissioner Warner stated he made his decision previously as well as Kernc in support of it. Kernc has received letters from residents along with  pictures of flooding. Kernc stated this is for the good of the village and the residents. Village Engineer Mike Perry stated the grant is not just for the detention pond, but the conveyance also. Warner stated  he is not in support of solar however, he feels it is not up to him to block someone’s use of their own property, just because he doesn’t believe in it. MOTION was made by Commissioner Adair, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve the Letter of Support for Cenergy Power. Ayes: Adair, Kernc, Warner. Nay: Kasher. Motion Carried. 

House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy

Mayor Kernc welcomed Matt Kapinski, Molly Snittjer-Legal Counsel and John Carson from House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy to the meeting. Kernc and Village Attorney John Gallo met with them  earlier to discuss the project. Kernc explained Mr. Honrud owns property on Route 113 next to the Jewel/Osco property and on the other side is the Overton Road parcel. Kernc presented a map of  the location of the parcel. Honrud leased 22 acres to House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy for solar. When this was brought to Kernc attention, she was not happy since that location is in the commercial  property corridor. However, the village’s current zoning does allow solar in the commercial corridor. Kernc and Gallo met with House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy to discuss their plans and to come up with a less obtrusive plan and agreement for the solar field. John Carson, founder of House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy presented the background of the company, their plan for the solar field regarding the maintenance of the field, installation of a vinyl fencing on north side of property and  fencing on other sides, and the proposed plan to update the location of the placement of the solar field. After discussion, Commissioner Kasher agreed that Honrud has the right to do what he wants  on his property. Since House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy is working with the village to move the  solar field back further off IL Route 113, he is fine with the project. Commissioner Adair stated he appreciates the flexibility from House Finch Solar Trajectory Energy for their willingness to update  the drawing and location of the solar field. Mayor Kernc thanked Matt, John and Molly for coming  to Diamond and meeting with her and Gallo and presenting their project to the board. A consensus was reached to move forward with the project. 

Approve Resolution #2024-04, Resolution Approving a Moratorium on Commercial Solar  Energy Systems and Wind Energy Systems 

Mayor Kernc stated when it came to our attention with regards to the solar projects, Village Attorney John Gallo advised Kernc to implement a 3-month moratorium for all new projects which may come  to the village. Gallo explained solar is currently permitted use on all commercial, industrial, agricultural, and residential. Gallo stated moving forward, these projects would require a special use permit, limit the location of these projects, and authorize these projects case by case. Gallo stated to complete a text amendment to the zoning ordinance, it must be published in newspaper, be approved  by the P & Z committee, etc., so it takes some time. Putting this moratorium in place would allow  time to complete the text amendment. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Resolution #2024-04, Resolution Approving a Moratorium on Commercial Solar Energy Systems and Wind Energy Systems. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Approve Purchase of John Deere Lawn Mower 

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated the village is updating one of the older mowers with the purchase of a new mower. Commissioner Kasher stated the current mowers have a side discharge and grass blows out the right side of the mower. This can be a challenge when mowing the strip  between the sidewalk and Division St. The new mower has a rear discharge and he wants to see how this type of discharge works and if we are happy with the functionality, this will be the type of mower the village will purchase moving forward. Dunning added, the tires are pneumatic tweels, which means  they are not air filled therefore could be cost savings as well. Kasher added, since the village receives  a municipality discount, the cost of the mower is $13,625.00, which is approximately a $5,000.00 discount. Kasher stated we were given a trade-in quote for the old mower, and he feels that it is worth more money therefore, the old mower is up for auction on the govdeals.com website for auction, with a reserve of $2,500.00. Kasher asked Dunning if it doesn’t sell at auction, will the dealership still purchase the mower. Dunning does not know if they will. Dunning will reach out to the dealership. MOTION was made by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner to Approve Purchase of John Deer Lawn Mower in the amount of $13,625.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried.

Approve Traffic Signal Installation Proposal by Meade Electric 

This item was tabled. 

Update Comprehensive Plan 

Mayor Kernc stated it is recommended to update comprehensive plans every 5 years. Our current plan is out of date since the last update was completed in 2015. Kernc distributed a proposal from Teska to update the Diamond Comprehensive Plan. Kernc did research for grants which could be applied for the needed update and unfortunately, they were not available. Kernc stated Teska did the original plan for the village and the update. Kernc would like to work with Teska again, however she wanted to see if the board agreed or if they would like to proceed with an RFQ (request for  qualifications). The proposal from Teska is at a cost of $25,000.00. Commissioner Warner stated it  is our “bible” for the village. Commissioners Adair and Kasher originally felt to place it out for a RFQ however, Village Engineer Mike Perry stated by going forward with an RFQ, you only get qualifications not a quote. Once you receive the qualifications, then you would decide on the  company, then receive a quote, which you could negotiate. Commissioner Warner stated he would like to proceed with Teska since they have been a trusted asset to the village. Perry added, realistically if the village started with a new firm, the initial startup cost would be higher since they would not have  any former information. Teska also has all the information regarding the village. Perry added, from his perspective, this proposed cost seems in line for an update. MOTION was made by  Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Kasher to Approve Teska’s proposal to update  the Village’s Comprehensive not to exceed $25,000.00. All Ayes: Motion Carried. 

Support Letter for Municipal Detention Grant -NCIGC 

Mayor Kernc stated she needs to submit a support letter for municipal detention grant for the northside detention. Kernc sent out letters to all the residents who signed a petition in support of the  detention. Commissioner Kasher is not in favor of the support letter. MOTION was made by Commissioner Warner, SECOND by Commissioner Adair for Kernc to submit the support letter for  the municipal detention grant to NCIGC. Ayes: Adair, Kernc, Warner. Nay: Kasher, Motion Carried. 

Old Business 

Grundy and Will County Sheriff’s Monthly Update 

Mayor Kernc stated there was nothing out of the ordinary to report.  

Legal Counsel 

No Report 

Engineer Updates 

Village Engineer Mike Perry stated he and Dunning went to investigate the 18” sanitary pipe which was installed on the Goodwin property. There was a concern about a slight curve and sag, so we are recommending sewer cleaning and televising that section of the pipe and making sure there are no  issues and if the findings show differently, then address it at that time. Commissioner Kasher asked  if there was an issue and Dunning stated there was dirt found in the pipe. However, what created the  issue is when the line was bored under IL Route 113, they missed the mark for the tie-in. They thought they might have to run another pipe and move the drain cover but then questioned if that pipe was a sanitary pipe because it wasn’t a typical sanitary pipe. They ran dye and some tests on it, and verified it was a sanitary pipe. Perry continued, Engineering Services for the Lead Service Line Grant will be an agenda item on the March 26, 2024, meeting. Perry stated Dan Draper sent an email for  concurrence on the ITEP bid, which reflects PT Ferro with the lowest bid. Kernc received consensus to sign a document to send to the state and this item will be on the next agenda for formal approval  at the March 26, 2024, board meeting. 

Public Works Department Updates 

Public Works Supervisor Jim Dunning stated they are still waiting for the new sludge pump from Pro Pump. The blower motor at the plant is inoperable and is waiting for parts to repair it. An order will be placed for rock and dirt. The new computer has been installed at the plant. There are 8 meters left to be installed by United Meters. 

Clerk Updates 

Village Clerk Lori Holmes presented the email she received in December from the Illinois Department of Central Management Services asking if she would be interested in being part of the Advisory Board. She did respond with interest, and she was approved to participate in the Local Government Health  Plan Advisory Board for a 1-year term. Holmes stated a new laptop was purchased for the village hall to be utilized for webinars, etc. 

Commissioner Comments 

Commissioner Adair 

No Report 

Commissioner Johnson 


Commissioner Kasher 

No Report 

Commissioner Warner  

No Report 

Mayor Kernc 

No Report 


MOTION was made to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. by Commissioner Kasher, SECOND by Commissioner Warner. All Ayes: Motion Carried.




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